Thursday, March 12, 2020

Eye of God

The popularity of the Eye of Horus as a protective symbol continued way beyond the time of the ancient Egyptian civilizations. Today many people use this symbol in their jewelry to protect against the ill will of those around them. It is also a favorite subject in many paintings, posters, and other print arts. Fisherfolks and seafarers from Mediterranean countries paint the Eye of Horus on their vessels for protection. Many believe that the Eye of Horus is somewhat related to the Eye of Providence depicted in the US $1 bills which actually originated from Christian iconography. Some occultists like the Thelemites often depict the Eye of Horus within a triangle and interpret it as a symbol of elemental fire. Conspiracy theorists consider many eye symbols including the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Providence to be fundamentally the same – a symbol of illusion, power, manipulation, control of knowledge, information and subjugation and that they represent the real power behind many governments today, the infamously mysterious Illuminati organization. In today’s mainstream society, the belief in the Eye of Horus as a symbol of protection, health, sovereignty, and royalty is mostly evidenced by its popularity in jewelry design. Many people the world over remain fascinated by the legends behind the Horus symbol, wearing it with the same strong belief in the protection it offers.

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